To upload a certain paper please email it to . Studyroom collects any previous exam question papers, memorandums, from 2016 for grade 10,11&12 and make it available for students to download to their smart phones Currently we have only PDF format but we hope to convert some of our most requested papers to word. Nothing is for sale on this website.
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Our Points SystemWhen a question or answer is voted up, the user who posted it will gain points. These points serve as a rough measure of the community trust in that person. Various moderation tasks are gradually assigned to the users based on those points. For example, if you ask an interesting question or useful answer, it will likely be voted up. On the other hand if the question is poorly-worded or the answer is misleading - it will likely be voted down. Each up vote on a question will generate 10 points, whereas each vote against will subtract 10 points.
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